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*My blog posts are regularly updated with more relevant information and resources as I find them.

Katelyn Commerford
Dec 2, 202225 min read
The Birth of Stella
The story of Stella’s journey into the world really begins with her big sister’s. I gave birth to Florence two and a half years ago via...

Katelyn Commerford
Nov 16, 20225 min read
What does a positive caesarean look like?
**Given the nature of the content of this post, there may be some discussion that could be triggering.** One of the ways I support women...

Katelyn Commerford
Nov 2, 20226 min read
Where and how to find good evidence based information
This is a really important topic, because as anyone who has googled anything, ever, could tell you, if you search far enough, you can...

Katelyn Commerford
Oct 5, 20222 min read
The Birth Pool Test
Have you heard of it? I first heard about the birth pool test on Catherine Bell's Birth Map social accounts not long after I'd had my...

Katelyn Commerford
Sep 28, 20223 min read
Okay, but what is a postpartum doula?
And why should I hire one? What does a postpartum doula do? Essentially, a postpartum doula is there to look after the mother so that she...

Katelyn Commerford
Sep 8, 20224 min read
Book Review: In Your Own Time by Dr Sara Wickham
“There are sometimes really good reasons for offering induction of labour. But sometimes it’s offered routinely, without thought for the...

Katelyn Commerford
Aug 20, 20223 min read
Beginners Guide to Cloth Nappies
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I wanted to use reusable nappies. I didn't know anyone that used them. I didn't even know whether...

Katelyn Commerford
Jun 20, 202210 min read
Sleep when the baby sleeps, vacuum when the baby vacuums? How to actually prepare for postpartum
As we all know from the imagery our media and social media are saturated with, postpartum is a beautiful, blissful, peaceful time of...

Katelyn Commerford
Jun 16, 20225 min read
In the Aftermath of a Bad Birth
In Australia, a third of women will describe their birth experience as traumatic. You don’t have to look far to find someone who had a...

Katelyn Commerford
May 20, 20223 min read
Losing a Baby
It’s not something anyone ever expects to have to deal with, but for many, it is a very real part of their story. I’d like to start this...

Katelyn Commerford
May 13, 20223 min read
The Breastfeeding Journey
Did you know that in Australia, approximately 96% of babies begin life being breastfed, but only 39% are still exclusively breastfed by...

Katelyn Commerford
Mar 7, 202210 min read
Planning for a caesarean birth, elective or otherwise
This blog was updated 26th March 2023 to include additional resources new to the market. Whether you are planning for a caesarean birth...
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